January 29, 2018 Felicita(Josie)Cossey
I want to see our Voting system working honestly for all US citizens. In order to do this we must have FINGER PRINT ID at the polling place, just like they have finger print scanners at Disney World which connect your finger print to your ticket. In the same way, every person could have their voter registration confirmed by having finger print I.D’s taken at the time of registration, and then compared at the polling place to make sure they are the same person. No identification of any kind shall be connected to any ballot. In the last few years during our elections, many people voted illegally because people were still on the voting roles after they had died, and people were using fradulent I.D. to vote under different names. Everyone in America has an ID. It is time to use I.D’s to secure our Voting system.
All legally eligible voters must register with the supervisor of elections by presenting a valid form of personal and citizenship identification, together with proof of current domicile, as well as providing a fingerprint which will be tied to the voters registration information and maintained in the supervisor of elections data base for future voter verification purposes. For all elections, the legal voter will be required to have a fingerprint scanned for verification at the polling place, together with acceptable form of citizenship and personal identification before being allowed to vote. Once this is accomplished, the voter information and proof of identity will be recorded in the voter registration system and any further voting during that election with that registration will be locked out. This will prevent any subsequent attempt to vote again, have someone else vote on that registration, or have someone vote in a different county or state, until the next election cycle when the voting process is open again. This will prevent non-registered citizens or others who are not legally authorized to participate in our election process from voting. The data base will have to be connected statewide to prevent duplicate voting within the state, and nationwide to prevent interstate voting fraud.